
Thank you.

To the creative hearts and minds who contributed to the beautiful experience of this web site and who captured the moments that will forever be a keepsake of PJ and Roy’s incredible taiko journey, thank you.


Doug Menuez
photographer, director, visual storyteller
website →
Fearless Genius →

Curt Fukuda
writer and photographer
website →

Hidden Histories of San Jose Japantown →

Marisa Maldonado

San Jose Taiko
audio music recordings

Devon Menuez
layout & digital designer

Pear Urushima
Kanreki Productions
producer, writer, photographer, art director, web and content strategist


Permission to use assets.

Please direct any requests for photography and video shown on this website to our email. We will be happy to consider your inquiry as written permission is required for outside usage and fees may apply. Thank you kindly.